Be sure to visit my new site CAT-SCRATCHES.COM where I've started offering CUSTOM DRAWINGS starting at $25 apiece, which includes a web friendly version and also (at your request) a printable hi-res 8x10 PDF file.
I made an update to my MUSIC page to include not only my current project, 1980s tribute band THE FUTURE HEAVIES, but also nostalgic links to EIGHT FORMER MUSIC PROJECTS!
For science, I wanted to see what kind of Parallax video I'd end up with while feeling incredibly loopy from taking the wrong kind of Robitussin in the middle of the day. So thanks to the debilitating (or perhaps abilitating?) effects of dextromethorphan, I bring you this TRILLION NOTE VERSION of "Fractal 1" from my 1998 CD umop apisdn.