UPDATE 10/15/2019: Yes, I am aware this site design screams "1999," which is fine because that's when I first hand-coded it. And I'm still hand coding updates from time to time, including this one. These links are just some of my personally preferred places to visit, and if you like a lot of the stuff on umop.com, you might like a few of the things linked here, too!

General Destinations

FARK.com. Drew Curtis' Fark.com is a news aggregate website; one-stop daily shopping to see what's going on in the world. There's Photoshop contests that I very rarely engage in myself, and other hidden treats. I got a membership back in 1999, "Farker" number 4000-something. There's over a million Farkers today! Bookmark it!

Newgrounds The one-time headquarters for all things "Flash animation." It's still there, providing a home for countless thousands of rogue animators and game designers.

Cracked. There's always funny, if occasionally misinformed, meme contests going on over there, and a lot of the articles are good daily brain junk.

Music Stuff

The Bob Moog Foundation. I provide art/design work for Michelle Moog-Koussa, the executive director of this nonprofit foundation. Technology, science, and innovation are celebrated, inspiring future generations. It's very fulfilling being part of this adventure!

MatrixSynth Updated several times every single day. A truly awesome synth blog. This site was solely responsible for helping launch The Packrat comic strip.

Metasonix Awesomely bad tube-driven boutique music products! Occasionally featuring disgusting illustrative panel art by me!

Vintage Synth Explorer has specs and details on almost every synth ever made.


Toothpaste For Dinner Super-minimalist & consistently brilliant, Drew (just Drew) is well worth your daily eyeballing. Also don't miss his wife's webcomic Natalie Dee.

PvP is a vanguard daily webcomic going back to 1998. A feast for nerds.

XKCD. Brilliant geek humor abounds here, and despite it being primarily a stick figure webcomic, it's deceptively artful at times.

Poorly Drawn Lines. The simplicity of these drawings and the zen-like humor is so masterfully executed that it actually makes me angry.

Webcomic Name. The simplicity of these drawings and the zen-like humor is so masterfully executed that it actually makes me angry. Yes, I am aware that I used this description twice. It is equally applicable here.

Art, Fun and Games

Left Brain Games. I provided work for my friend Andy Keplinger's company several years ago, and it's still a good go-to site for corporate-level advergaming and similar ventures.

Random Neural Discharge The homepage of my talented game designer friend, Greg Izzo. Unfortunately most of the linked games employed the now-antiquated Shockwave plug-in, so unless you have a browser actually capable of playing them, consider this an archive link.

Mishmash Media, Inc. The world of Xeth Feinberg, a fellow animator and Moron Supreme. He is the creator of Queer Duck which once appeared on Showtime before "Queer As Folk.". Also, get a load of his famous Bulbo animations. You'll crap yourself.

Carl Mitsch. Carl and I worked together some years ago. He is a very talented product designer!

David Calabrese. Dave and I worked together some years ago. He is a very talented illustrator! I am not a very talented link-describerer!

Free Fonts

1001 Fonts It oughtta be renamed 10,001 fonts. They're gonna have that many there soon! I and about 100 other fontmaker extraordinaires have fonts in their armory.

Creamundo Fantasic (and huge) searchable free font site.

Typodermic Fonts by Ray Larabie. Why he's gone ahead and created 300-odd original fonts for free public use is beyond me. If that wasn't enough, they're actually world-class, too! I've seen his stuff used in over a hundred ads and products since the 1990s when I would bug him with incessant Fontographer questions.


gener8or Located in Chester, CT, this company does high-quality TV and video production, owned and operated by my brother Steve and his lovely wife.

Redshift Digital Audio Behold the king of audio production. This guy has something like forty synths in his palatial Essex, CT studio. He is also the esteemed producer of one Parallax CD, "Visit the Entropics," technical director of both my DVDs, and my primary synth tech..


Stella is a fantastic program allowing you to design your own polyhedra, print out nets for paper construction, and just trip out. There's even a 3-D view mode if you've got the red-and-blue glasses kicking around!

George Hart. Visit the super-genius who created some of the artwork (including "Artificial Radiolarian Reticulum" seen on the cover) for "Visit the Entropics." Professor George W. Hart has about 1000 Quicktime VR movies of polyhedrons, but that only scratches (O.K., gouges) the surface of his extraordinary collection of pages. He very well be the next Buckminster Fuller (you know, the geosphere [you know, like the Epcot Center] guy).

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Copyright © 1999-2019 David C. Lovelace