Hamsterdunce (View Update Archives)

14-Mar-2010 I think the last episode of Hamsterdunce is strong enough to put a cap on the series for a while. I need to concentrate my efforts on finding a real job (I'm absolutely broke) & working on a fun music project on the side, time & finger blisters permitting.

I'm starting to realize that greatness doesn't just happen on its own, nor does it happen with nothing but a sheer volume of output. Prolificness does not equal notability. I am still on a quest to discover true artistic meaning in something I have done, since I don't think I've ever even remotely come close. With your support (as opposed to nagging, and there is a big difference!), I'll get there!

And no, I have a growing feeling that artistic meaning won't be coming from animated puppy ballsacks too much more, either. But I've learned to never say never, and so I shan't.