was originally an animated series brought to you by the fine folks at FARK.com,
and by Farker Parallax, but you can call him Dave. You might know Dave from the series
Retarded Animal Babies
which took Newgrounds by storm throughout 2003 and early 2004.
Every week, Fark.com linked to a new animated episode here at Farkman.com, created exclusively for Farkers.
Farkers decided what happened next by heading back to Fark and submitting their
idea in the talkbacks. Ideas got voted on and the idea with the most votes got animated, and Farkers got credited!
Neat, eh? Too bad it was such a complete biatch to pull off every single
week. Still, with your continued support of Fark, maybe someday it can get started up again.
And just so you know we're not just pretending it never happened, for about five weeks in late-fall 2002, we attempted to make a Photoshop version
of this (where Farkers were theoretically supposed to incorporate cartoon assets Dave provided into subsequent Photoshopped panels of a comic book-type adventure).
Whether or not we were aiming overall too high conceptually, or Farkers were aiming too low in retaliation for their lack of regularly-provided Flash
content free of charge, it just didn't work out the way we hoped.
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Copyright ©2002 David C. Lovelace