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ZIKKER Created 2002
FREQUENCY: Very Rare |
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Unfortunates submerged in the same waters as a roving school of Zikkers usually end up as bloodied meals for these serpentine, barbed carnivores.
Their six-inch hook-like teeth puncture exposed flesh for 1-6 damage, automatically ripping back out for 3-12 damage in the following round. These
wounds are usually terribly painful and will render the victim incapacitated in the following round unless a save vs. Petrification is made. It will
continue to ooze blood all day, and unless a Cleric CURES it or a person of 14 or better intelligence mends it, the bitten person will bleed
to death within 2-4 hours. Heavily armored persons will not be affected by the toothy varmints, but leather can be penetrated with a "to hit" roll of 18 or better by the Zikker. However, the armor-clad individual in question would probably sink like a stone in the water, which is a dilemma just as deadly as hungry sea creatures!
*This is a fan site. Advanced D&D is a trademark of TSR.
All artwork Copyright ©2002 David C. Lovelace
This site is not affiliated with TSR. Otherwise it'd all be 3E, wouldn't it?