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ANIMATED ROOM Created 1989, updated 2002
FREQUENCY: Very Rare |
Powerful offshoots of Mimics and Stun Jelly, an Animated Room is a 1-3" layer of living, animated stone-flesh covering every surface of an immediate
area, usually a contained room. Only a person who lives in the locale would have a chance of noticing anything different about the room, equal to
his chance of detecting a secret door. Elves and Dwarves would have a keen sense that something is amiss, but would probably not know what. This
nightmare of a monster prefers to attack prey when they are alone in the room. For example, someone turning in for the evening might pull over
their covers and find themselves becoming digested, or perhaps another intent on dropping into a comfortable chair might drop into a hole lined with
teeth instead! A room attacking its visitors at full strength is a barrage of traps, pseudopods, and teeth, attacking 1-10 times per round at multiple targets and inflicting variable amounts of damage. If the mass is reduced somehow to less than 25 hit points, it will retreat by phasing through the surrounding wood and/or rock in which it envelops at a rate of 10 feet per round. It cannot permeate water, lead nor precious metals, but can usually find ways around them. If forced to go above ground, it can only penetrate air at rate of 1". The Animated Room is not detectable psionically nor is it affected by mind-based spell attacks. It is affected by environmental attacks such as FIRE and COLD, but only a third normal damage is inflicted (round down). All physical attacks with weapons or otherwise, no matter their magical properties, will only cause 10% their normal damage. The spell DIG causes 11-20 damage, and FLESH TO STONE by an evil caster causes 21-30 damage, but the room is allowed a save as a 12th level Fighter. Killed Rooms will devolve into Fungal Pools after one day. |
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All artwork Copyright ©2002 David C. Lovelace
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