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FACELESS DEVIL (Greater devil) Created 1982 ("Ceydon") by my brother Steve, revised 1988
FREQUENCY: see below |
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Roaming the three lowest levels of Hell, Faceless Devils are tall, stunted humanoids with taloned, muscular limbs and no visible head atop its
thorned torso. The devil's frequency depends on the level of Hell in question. It is Very Rare in Maladomini (7th level), but less so in
Caina (8th level) and Nessus (9th level). This vicious brute has acute hearing, with bat-like radar, and can only be surprised on a 1 on d12. Its attack mode is two claws per round (2-8 each), or by using any sharp weapon, whereby it gains a +4 damage bonus due to its strength. All Faceless Devils can employ the following spell-like powers at will: DETECT INVISIBILITY, DETECT/DISPEL MAGIC, HOLD PERSON, POLYMORPH SELF/OTHER, cause FEAR (as the wand), PRODUCE FLAME, AFFECT NORMAL FIRE, and can GATE once per day: either 1-4 Spined Devils (40% success), another Faceless Devil (25% success), or a Pit Fiend (10% success). If a Pit Fiend is summoned, there is a 50% chance it will attack the Faceless Devil instead! This type of devil can only be hit by weapons of a +2 or better magical nature, and can regenerate 2 hp every 3 rounds. |
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All artwork Copyright ©2002 David C. Lovelace
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