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BUTANIAC Created 1985 (originally called "B'Tashik," revised 1988
FREQUENCY: Very Rare, Rare in Fire Plane |
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Butaniacs are used by magic-using evil-doers as possessable vehicles to inhabit, in order to unleash the unnatural hellfires of the Elemental Plane of Fire
into the Prime. Its form in the Prime is that of a demonic giant with brilliant, sun-bright eyes (BLINDING those foolish enough to look upon them,
thus the beast's low armor class). Typically, a Butaniac in the Prime is in the process of being possessed by a wizard or being otherwise, since the
pseudo-elemental rarely travels there, unless it is exacting revenge on a former host, since it is there where it is susceptible to possession.
The exact method of possession is unknown, but it is assumed to be magically documented by the highest evil wizards. At any rate, an unpossessed Butaniac in the Prime will not attack unless attacked. But possessed or otherwise, its breath weapon is truly astounding. It is a cloud of fire with a range of 100' and width of 20'. Damage inflicted by the super-intense heat equals thrice the amount of hit points the Butaniac retains. Closely engaged, it can also claw twice per round for 1-8 damage per hit, and carry a scorching effect which STUNS unless a save vs. Paralysation is thrown. Obviously, no form of Fire-based attack will affect the Butaniac, nor will Cold-based. A destroyed Butaniac releases its host into corporeal form, who will be STUNNED for 1-4 rounds. As for the subdued Butaniac, it dissapears into a puff of smoke, but to nothingness, or to its home plane? |
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All artwork Copyright ©2002 David C. Lovelace
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