Korg 01/W FD




UPDATE 10/15/2019: I can scarcely believe it, but I actually sold this keyboard a few months ago. I wrote around 75+ songs on it! It was a truly beloved workhorse that I bought new in 1991. Some years ago I realized that floppy discs don't last forever, and I had better get every single sequence I've ever made on this thing recorded as an MP3! Once that was done, the synth itself ended up not getting used very often, so I decided it was time to let it go. It has been with me to Hell and back.

You can hear the best possible parts of this keyboard, along with my Roland JD-800, all over my first Parallax CD "umop apisdn." Its soundscape is... limited to say the least. I have recently described it to a friend as a cross between a "Turbo Grafix 16" system and the "Seinfeld" theme song. The MP3 sound sample is part of the actual sequence of a track called "Tetrahedron," with some decidedly vulgar wanking dominating the mix.

CLICK HERE for a bigger pic of my studio!

Copyright © 2005-2019 David C. Lovelace